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How Customer Service Impacts Your Business

How Customer Service Improves Your Business

How Customer Service Impacts Your Business

Businesses today rely on a lot of factors to successfully see their ventures take off. A brilliant idea that can address customer’s needs to a fully functional business system that can spell the venture’s profitability is included in the list of “to do’s” that every business owner should know. 

Whether you’re starting or striving to keep your business afloat, offering reliable customer service support for your clients is the way to go.

For your business to be successful, you have to put a high emphasis on establishing effective and responsive customer service. The most important thing you need to know about putting up customer service is that it has the ability to add on emotional value to your client’s buying experience and be able to learn from it. 

Customer Service is more than just answering to unsatisfied customers. It will allow you and your team to develop a feedback mechanism that you need for you to succeed. Most successful companies knew that it only takes one superb idea to make them go beyond what they have reached as a company. They knew the value of information through research and – guess what – customer service to gather information directly from customers objectively speaking. 

But there is a catch to this, you as a business owner or an important decision-maker in the company needs to have an open mind to make use of customer service as a stepping stool for growth and development. So let me give you some points to consider in utilizing customer service and change the dynamics of your current organization.

Emotional Experience Translates to Customer Loyalty

Have you ever included “repeat purchase” as part of your strategy in product development? Of course, we all know that a product that addresses a specific need often leads to repeat purchase. But this is not the case for all products or services that you have. There are some products that people need to take from the “shelves” first in order for them to see the value of it. 

Through witty promotion and proper service, customers are encouraged to try a product and push for repeat purchase. Customer service can add on to build your customer’s trust that your concern is beyond the shelves. If you are able to translate this to your organization, you will increase your client’s emotional experience, thus, translating customer loyalty. 

Put Your Feet In Your Customer’s Shoes 

Products and services have two different natures of customer service. If your company’s business is service in nature like restaurants or mini-marts that engage people frequently, you have a direct impact on customers in terms of making them feel that they are a priority and your employees can take feedback directly. 

On the other hand, if you are selling products placed on the shelves and have indirect contact with your employees, like goods or technology, you may want to set up a customer service group that can provide accessibility whenever they have concerns about your products. Or you have to guide them in product setups and more personal interactions with your staff so that people can increase confidence in buying your product. 

The point is that whenever you buy things for yourself as a customer, you have certain expectations that you will get your money’s worth in every product you buy. That is smart purchasing. So you want to put your feet in your customer’s shoes for you to simulate their buying experience of your product. If you are able to do this, customers will not be an afterthought but the focus of your business. Trust me, this will translate to your company’s growth.

A Forbes report reveals that poor customer service is costing businesses more than $75 billion a year! This is a lot of wasted opportunities and profit! If only all businesses can realize the value of customer service, then it will increase credibility and secure stability.

Every product you sell represents the face, values, and reputation of the organization you lead. A good reputation can tell if you’re going to succeed or fail. So if you are contemplating setting up a customer-oriented business, gather your team, get back to the drawing board, and start including this and be ready to increase sales!